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Civic Award

What is the Civic Award and why do we offer this at Blackpool School?


This award fits perfectly with our school vision and values for our children and supports our focus on citizenship and our deep belief that education should be broader and more future-driven. We hope that this initiative will help to develop children’s attitudes and values as well as transferable skills to equip them for a future none of us can yet imagine. The award also boosts self-esteem and encourages a selfless aspect to help our children become well-rounded, confident and caring individuals who strive to make a difference in their community and are prepared to take responsibility for change.


We encourage all of our Year 6 students to take part – building in time during the school day to build up a portfolio of their work as well as collaborate on projects and plan for ways to achieve the objectives set out in the award criteria.


We have been involved in the project for a few years, and most of our Year 6 pupils have previously participated. Below are links to the website, where there are some examples of some of the work done by past pupils from our school.  The feedback from the children was really positive – mostly about how they can use their time more productively to better themselves and those around them.


Blackpool C of E Primary School Students Awarded Torbay & Devon Civic Award 2020 (


There are 7 key areas to achieve the award:

  • Active Citizenship in the school community
  • At least one Active Citizenship in the local community (or wider community)
  • An active Hobby for at least 4 months
  • A non-active hobby for at least 4 months (One of these must be new)
  • A residential experience
  • Charity work
  • Pledge to the Environment 


The school will support all of the children over the course of the year and help to guide and encourage them in achieving this very worthy personal achievement. There will be opportunities for the children to meet at lunchtimes to create action plans, submit permission forms and compile evidence for their files, which we will provide for them. Their work will be assessed by an independent person, such as a school governor, who will provide them with feedback. 


In order to give you more information about the reasons why we are supporting this initiative, below are some of the key philosophies behind the award:


The philosophy behind the Torbay Civic Award


  • It brings about community cohesion by linking school and community
  • It empowers children to become global citizens – developing their awareness of the works of charities
  • It develops empathy and the desire to strive for a fairer future. It encourages children to be compassionate and to take responsibility for positive change
  • It enables children to achieve economic well-being through the management of money
  • It encourages children to be safe – action planning with risk assessments is an important part of the award
  • It develops self-esteem, confidence, resilience and assurance
  • It develops a team working ethos and promotes related skills of collaboration and independence
  • It supports children in leading purposeful and full lives and is great preparation for both secondary school and the workplace.
  • The scheme develops Pupil Voice and Citizenship
  • It encourages the acquisition of important values (respect contribution compassion etc) and allows children to see them in practice
  • It is about what we all believe in: moral purpose and integrity -  developing and nurturing the whole child for life and placing education in a broader and more worthy context


Not only will their achievements be celebrated in school, but all children who achieve this award will also be invited to a presentation ceremony at the end of the year, where they will be awarded their certificates by the Mayors of Torbay in Torquay.

2022 Civic Award Ceremony

What children at Blackpool say about the Civic Award:


'It made me try things I had never thought I could do before.' 


'I feel really proud to have achieved the award. It was hard work, but I did it with the help of my friends and teachers.'


'I have never raised money for charity before and I will definitely do this again.' 
