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Our Christian Values and Ethos

 ‘and let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds’

                                                          Hebrews 10:24  


Only My Best is Good Enough;

 Flourishing Together.


At Blackpool we are on a journey together - our school has undergone lots of change and therefore our vision reflects this.  We believe that when we work together and encourage each other, with Jesus as our helper, we can become the very best versions or ourselves in a flourishing Christian community.  Our school community is a place of love and good deeds.  Children flourish in a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment where relationships are nurtured and valued.


Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles and practices of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church and the Parish and the Diocese, bringing this character into the present day. The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experiences it offers to all its pupils. As a church school we embed our Christian values into everyday learning and foster a respect for other people and their beliefs.


Our strong Christian vision based on Hebrews 10:24  ‘and let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds’ ensures that every child has the opportunity to be the best that they can be.  Just like the Hebrews needed encouragement from the writer to spur each other on to be more Christlike in their actions, we recognise that children and staff thrive in a supportive and caring environment where all are spurred on to be the best that they can be. 


We are fully inclusive and look to equally serve those who are of the Christian faith, those of other faiths and those with no faith.


Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales.  At Blackpool C of E Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this; it is the heart beat of our school.  It is a time where the school family meets together, learns together, reflects together and can be inspired together.  A time within which children and staff are invited to be still, to engage and if they feel called, respond.  Teachers and local church leaders lead assemblies which highlight the school’s Christian values.  Links are made to connect the learning in Religious Education in the classroom with collective worship. The ‘Big Story frieze’ linked to the Understanding Christianity scheme of learning is central to collective worship. We also share assemblies through 'Open the Book', and welcome Christians from our local community to share with us. The school has strong links with the local church community and plans indicate that all children will visit the local church to deepen their learning every year.   Regular access to the ‘Christian library’ also supports children to develop their own spirituality. 




Our Aims are:


  • To provide a Christian environment, which develops the children’s spiritual understanding
  • To offer pupils a broad and balanced curriculum, which facilitates the development of knowledge, skills and understanding
  • To develop every pupil’s self-esteem through promoting self-discipline so that each individual achieves his or her true potential
  • To develop the children’s creative abilities enabling them to have enquiring flexible minds
  • To develop the children’s social, moral and cultural understanding with an awareness and celebration of the multicultural world in which we live
  • To develop an aptitude for lifelong learning throughout the whole school community

First Federation Trust Christian Vision

Theological underpinning of our Christian Vision and Values
