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Good deeds

Working together for love and good deeds


Driven by our school vision, as a school community, we proudly serve others, beyond our school walls.  We encourage each other to be courageous advocates – changing the world for the better. If we are loving, it is going to be shown in doing good to and for one another, our wider community and the planet. Jesus’s teaching sets an example of how we should live.  

Harvest Boxes

Every year, Harvest is an important time at Blackpool School.  We donated food at harvest time.  Our food donations were used to support HIITS Food bank.


First Aid, Charity and Supporting the Local Community World Heart Day


The children at Blackpool School enjoyed marking World Heart Day by learning about how to make healthy lifestyle choices to keep a healthy heart.


We were very fortunate to collaborate with ‘Jays Aim’, a charity initially established with the intent of reducing the rate of sudden cardiac death among young people here in South West England.


Children across the school took part in a fun, heart-shaped walk and raised money for the charity; a great example of citizenship to support others in the community.


Jays Aim also provided CPR workshops for Year 5 and 6 children, parents and teachers.


As a result of the fundraising, we are extremely proud to be able to fund a public-access defibrillator, which will be located on our site at our sports pavilion on the school field, which will not only serve our school, but also the local community, which is being installed before the end of the calendar year.


This amazing experience in our school has raised our children’s and wider community awareness of keeping healthy and has provided important life-saving skills – a vital part of our healthy-living curriculum.


Thank you to Mr Dan Osborne, a parent in our school and a trustee of Jays Aim, who led the day in our school - we really enjoyed the workshops Thank you to the charity for providing the defibrillator at a very low cost to the school, so that we can all benefit from this fantastic resource.

Meet our EduKid sponsor children - Ricky and Precious

Blackpool School – Christmas in our Community


The children of Blackpool School wanted to spread Christmas joy to our local community.  We created images of the Nativity story to create a Nativity trail for the Community in Liverton. 10 posts were set up around the village showing the children’s work.




The Children’s work was also presented at St Michael’s Church in Liverton.


At Christmas time, the children in Unit 3 spent time thinking about people in our community who would find Christmas difficult this year, because of Covid restrictions.  They created Christmas cards and poems to send to people in our local community.

Civic Award Charities 


Year 6 children completing their Civic Award have been investigating different charities which could be supported at Christmas time.


They have chosen The Salvation Army, Age UK Devon and the local Foodbank (THAT Foodbank). 


If you can donate to at least one of these causes it will be greatly appreciated. These are small things that will make a big difference to our community particularly during this pandemic which has had a massive impact on many groups of people. 


To donate to The Salvation Army please use:


To send an electronic e-card and donate to Age UK Devon please use:


Please see their posters with their fundraiser information on. 

THAT food bank flyer
