First Federation Trust
At Blackpool, our main goal is to prepare our pupils to be confident, effective and safe users and creators of technology. We want to ensure that our pupils become digitally literate at a suitable level in order to access the curriculum in their secondary stage and future workplace. We aim to make all learning memorable through the embedded use of current technologies throughout the curriculum, where pupils learn how computers and computer systems work and how they can be used to communicate, collaborate and express themselves using digital technologies as safe, responsible digital citizens. We intend to inspire all children to excel in computing and tailor our teaching and learning to suit their needs. As well as following a key-stage appropriate progressional programme of study, where computing is taught discretely, we also plan many engaging opportunities for cross-curricular links within topic themes, to maximise meaningful and exciting ways for our pupils to demonstrate their acquisition of skills and knowledge in this area and in other subjects. Using ICT is a key component in our ‘Communication and Connections’ Curriculum Thread as well as an important element in our ‘Creativity’ and ‘Life Long Skills’ Threads.
For teaching computing we mostly use the iCompute scheme of work. We have chosen this scheme because it links with our computing vision to deliver the three strands of computing: information technology, digital literacy (including eSafety) and computer science and links to the key-stage related expectations set out in the National Curriculum. The scheme also provides many opportunities for computational thinking, which should be a key component of a computing curriculum as it is not only useful for helping develop algorithms and programming but is also develops problem solving skills that can be used in all aspects of life, linking perfectly to our School Curriculum Drivers.
By basing our computing curriculum on this scheme of work, the support and guidance it provides enables teachers to acquire good subject knowledge and go on to use the lesson plans as inspiration, to put their own twist on learning opportunities and develop their own lessons and activities.
The scheme will be adapted to suit our mixed-age classes. Pupils will have 2 years in which to complete all of the learning objectives set out in 2 years of the Scheme of Work. For example, teachers will plan in the Year 3 and 4 learning objectives cross their 2 year rolling programme to best make meaningful cross-curricular links within each topic. The same will be applied for Year 1/2 and Year 5/6. Reception will plan for their own one year programme, using the Barefoot Computing Scheme as a basis for teaching computing. The progressional structure that this scheme provides, mapped out in our 2 year rolling programme, ensures that subject knowledge and skills leads to long term learning.
Our whole school planning overview also includes long-term curricular goals, to ensure core knowledge and skills are the focus of learning journeys across each key-stage phase.
Early Years
Aspects of computing will be taught discretely as well as opportunities given in continuous provision. (see images below about how the Barefoot Scheme of Work links in with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage)
Quote taken from the Barefoot Computational Overview:
'Computational Thinking is at the heart of the computing curriculum and children will only be ready for this subject if we provide them with foundational experiences. The problem solving of Computational Thinking closely aligns with the Characteristics of Effective Learning. So by aligning EYFS provision to Computational Thinking, we use the same vocabulary as used by our colleagues in KS1, and ensure progression.'
Key Stage 1
Computing focuses primarily on programming skills as a key aspect of computer science. Much of this early usage is centered on logical reasoning and problem solving. Other areas of computing, such as digital literacy and information technologies, are also taught within core and foundation subjects. (see chart below for more detailed breakdown of key stage expectations outlined in the iCompute Scheme of Work)
The main outcomes for children are to:
programme basic instructions on digital devices
to navigate the internet safely
to use different media to present work
Key Stage 2
Students continue to develop their knowledge of programming skills. The children begin to create and design algorithms to achieve given goals. Other areas of computing, such as digital literacy and information technologies, are also taught within core and foundation subjects with a continued focus on safe internet use and advancing the use of presentational software. (see chart below for more detailed breakdown of key stage expectations)
The main outcomes for children are to:
programme and develop their instructions on digital devices
to learn basic coding language
to continue navigating the internet safely
to begin to reflect on the tools they use to reach an intended outcome
E-Safeguarding is of the utmost importance to Blackpool. As such, we ensure that children have an understanding of how to use information and communication technologies safely and responsibly.
E-Safety is taught discreetly using the iCompute Scheme of Work and is also embedded across the curriculum. Teachers will always address issues arising around e-safety as and when they arise. All staff are responsible for guiding eSafety for all pupils in the school.
We dedicate time every year within Internet Safety Week to learning about eSafety.
As well as policies to guide the use of the internet for teachers and parents, there is a pupil-friendly acceptable use policy that was created with the input of the pupil Digital Leader group to provide clear rules and expectations when using the internet. (see Appendix)
Digital Leaders:
Our school has Digital Leaders- a group of Year 6 students, led by a teacher, to support the teaching and learning of computing throughout the school. Their roles and responsibilities include; leading age appropriate assemblies to classes in the school about eSafety and current issues about keeping safe online, meeting weekly to keep up-to-date about computing in schools, creating posters and other information for the school, as well as working on projects to support the learning of computing across all age groups in the school.
Assessment and Monitoring:
Pupils will be assessed at the end of each Unit of work on their computing subject knowledge, skills and application, against National Curriculum age-related expectations, which are highlighted in Year Groups in the iCompute scheme of work. The scheme will use the objectives for a 2 yearly rotation, with pupils in mixed age-classes having 2 academic years to complete the learning objectives for 2 years of computing in the scheme. Our whole school planning overview also includes long-term curricular goals, to ensure core knowledge and skills are the focus of learning journeys across each key-stage phase. These curricular goals will be used to assess whether children are meeting end of year expectations for our programme of teaching and learning and will help to track progress over time. Leaders will be responsible for monitoring the planned curriculum on a regular basis and will support the development of music teaching and learning.
Computing Club
Our Computing Club is run by our Digital Leaders and a teacher. This runs weekly and is open to all students in the school. Children are chosen by their teachers to attend the session and these can change every week. This could be to support them with their learning or to spend time learning a new game on Scratch. The digital leaders support the younger children and share their knowledge and expertise with them.
Computing Policy Appendix - Pupil Acceptable Use Policy
Computing 2 Year Rolling Programme
This is what our children say about Computing in our school...
'We learn lots about internet safety. It is so important that we know how to be safe on the computer. We have an internet safety week where we learn even more about this.' Year 3
'I really enjoy learning how to do programming. I would like to be a games designer when I am an adult, so this is really important to learn about now.' Year 5
'The favourite part of computing lessons is getting to use the computer to learn new skills like typing and saving my work.' Year 4
' We have lots of laptops so that we can practice and all have a go in our computing lessons.' Year 2
'I love going to Computing club on a Friday, I get to go to a different Unit and the digital leaders are very friendly and helpful' Year 2 pupil