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Parent Partnership

Parent Partnership 
(Parent voice and views, including forums and surveys)

As a school and trust, we highly value parent views and aim to capture parent voice in a number of ways, either through annual parent surveys, parent focus groups and feedback from more regular communications such as email responses or from teachers following conversations. This helps inform us of how we can be continuously improving and adapting to ensure we are working together to provide the best for our children.


We believe that a healthy relationship between home and school is integral to supporting the progress and development of the children in our school. 


We aim to invite parents into school as often as we can, to share in learning opportunities, such as 'join us for activities' or celebrate achievements, such as open classrooms to share work, as well as workshops to support learning eg. phonics workshop, and other school community events like our fairs and charity events. 


Please speak to class teachers, school leaders and office staff if you have any queries regarding your child and their experience at school. We strive to collaborate with you to provide the very best for your children. 

What our parents say about our school

(Parent Survey Comments)


'The school is lovely and has excellent teachers and a supportive network of parents.'


'The behaviour side of Blackpool is great for kids, teaches them the correct values

for life which I like.' 


'Always happy to recommend this school.'


'We really like the schools leadership philosophy around making sure that the children are always at the centre of things.'


'I am pleased with my child's phonics/reading progress and I think the school's investment in RWI was a good one.'


'Being at this school has had such a positive impact on our child. We are so glad this is their school.'

Homework Focus Feedback Autumn 2022

Parent Survey End of Year 2020 21

Reading focus group meeting March 2020

Minutes of Meeting Autumn 2017 Reading Focus

Minutes of Parents Forum Meeting October 2016 - Maths Focus

Minutes of Parent Focus Group Meeting March 10th 2016

Minutes of Parents Focus Group November 10th 2015

Parents Focus Group. Minutes of Meeting 24th April 2014

Parent Focus Group. Minutes of Meeting 6th March 2014
