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      Religious Education


“My teacher makes RE lessons really fun because we do lots of debates and are all allowed to give our point of view and respect everyone’s views” Year 5


“We learn new things in RE, but we always remind ourselves about what we have already learnt we aren’t always starting over again.  It always leads on from something we already know about.” Year 4





Our Subject Lead for Religious Education is Mrs Earley.                         

 “At Blackpool, our objective, in line with our school vision, is to enable our children to develop their understanding of Christianity, other religions and world views. Through a progressive curriculum, children are taught how to understand different beliefs and make connections.  They are given opportunities to explore their spirituality and reflect on their own beliefs.  We are passionate about equipping our children with the skills they need to be effective global citizens. From the earliest age we teach children how to voice and develop opinions in a respectful way.”




Nobody Stands Nowhere

What is your view of the world? What makes you who you are? This new animated film by Emily Downe, created in partnership with Culham St Gabriel's Trust and Canterbury Christ Church University, unpacks the idea of worldviews and invites the viewer to consider how their own unique view of the world might co-exist with other, sometimes quite different, vantage points held by those around them.

Our Curriculum Drivers in Religious Education:

Religious Education  in Early Years:

Children begin to encounter religious and non-religious world views through special people, places, books, times and objects.  They are encouraged to ask questions and reflect on their own feelings and experiences allowing them to begin to develop their own spirituality.


Would you like to know more about the RE curriculum?

You can read the Devon and Torbay agreed syllabus for RE here:

19-16736 Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus_v6.indd

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and should contact the Head of School to ask for this. Parents will be invited to a meeting to discuss withdrawal and to explore how their concern may be met. Parents are not obliged to attend such a meeting in which case withdrawal shall be put into effect immediately and the school will notify the parent.
