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This is what our children say about Reading in our school...

'We have a brilliant library and I really like choosing the books that I want to read.' Year 2


'My teacher teaches me skills like retrieval, inference and prediction to help me understand the text I am reading.' Year 6


'I am getting faster at reading words and I can read with expression.' Year 5


'I get to choose books from Accelerated Reader, which is really good because I choose books that are the same level as the words I can read, so they are not too easy or hard. I get to quiz on the book I have read, which is really fun.' Year 4


'My teacher reads a class book, which I really enjoy listening to. It gives me a chance to hear something I would not always choose to rad myself.' Year 6


'I like taking my reading book home to read my my mummy and daddy. I am really good at reading these books and my mummy and daddy are always proud of me.' Year 1
