First Federation Trust
Only my best is good enough; Flourishing together
Inspired by Hebrews 10:24
‘let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds’
At Blackpool we are on a journey together - our school has undergone lots of change and therefore our vision reflects this. We believe that when we work together and encourage each other, with Jesus as our helper, we can become the very best versions or ourselves in a flourishing Christian community. Our school community is a place of love and good deeds. Children flourish in a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment where relationships are nurtured and values.
The Flourishing Blackpool Child
Christian Values, which develop the children’s spiritual and moral understanding, underpin all aspects of school life and are modelled by the whole school community.
We promote British Values in order to prepare children for their role in society, as confident, happy and tolerant citizens.
All staff and children will feel valued and respected and all successes will be celebrated.
Children will be encouraged to be independent, using imagination and resourcefulness to solve-problems and express themselves in a range of contexts throughout their school lives.
All children will have equal opportunities to succeed and their learning will match their needs, regardless of background or interests.
Collaboration and teamwork will be developed in all aspects of school life so that pupils learn how to support and communicate effectively with each other and build positive relationships.
Awareness, and strategies for promoting good mental health are a high priority for all members of the school community and will support lifelong emotional well-being.
Physically healthy lifestyles are encouraged at every opportunity and are modelled by staff so that children understand the importance of good choices for the duration of their lives. Physical activity takes place regularly.
Pupils at Blackpool are encouraged to contribute their views on school life, ensuring all children have a voice eg. School Council.
Leadership roles are given to pupils, with a particular focus on Year 6, where they lead the school in an area eg. Sports Leader, Digital Leader, Librarian etc, in order to take responsibility and ownership of key areas of school life.