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World Book Day 2021

We are really excited about World Book Day. We will be celebrating the day with various activities across the day for children both in school and at home. Each unit across the school will provide a range of reading related activities both in school and via Google Classroom for children at home to complete. We will stop our usual timetables for the day to celebrate. Children can wear World Book Day inspired fancy dress to school on Thursday 4th if they wish. Home learners, you can also join in the fancy dress fun, or perhaps wear your pjs to enjoy the day! Our school theme is Hopes and Dreams and we will be enjoying the fantastic picture book The book of Hopes which is an extraordinary collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures, with more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators contributing. In addition to reading activities, staff will be sharing the contents of the book with children in school. It is available to access for free using this link: 
